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essential guide services
How do I read my meter?
EPAL has different types of meter installed in its customers’ homes. From January 2019, when you send in your meter reading, use the numbers on a white or black background (m3), followed by the numbers on a red background (litres). Identify the meter installed at your location and see how you should send in the reading:

To read this type of meter, use the numbers on a white or black background (m3), followed by the three numbers on a red background (litres).

 meter2  To read this type of meter, use the numbers on a white or black background (m3), followed by the litres indicated by the two numbers on a red background and the number indicated by the first dial.
 meter3  To read this type of meter, use the numbers on a white or black background (m3), followed by the litres indicated by the number on a red background and the two numbers indicated by the first and second dials, reading them in a clockwise direction, ignoring the last one.
 4 meter  To read this type of meter, use the numbers on a white or black background (m3), followed by the litres indicated by the three numbers indicated on the dials, reading them in a clockwise direction, ignoring the last one.
 6 meter  To read this type of meter, use the black numbers (m3), followed by the three numbers on a red background (litres), ignoring the last number.
 5 meter  To read this type of meter, use the black numbers (m3), followed by the three red numbers (litres), ignoring the last number.

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