Conteudo Principal
essential guide services
Tests carried out on materials in contact with water
EPAL's Central Laboratory carries out analytical testing methods as to assess the effect of organic and cement-based materials on the quality of water as per national and European standards in force. The water quality parameters to be monitored are picked based on the composition of the product to be used.

Migration studies have been validated and do not only enable the assessment of this material's potential to change water characteristics such as its smell, taste, colour and cloudiness, but also its chemicals as well as a possible substance leaching to the water, or even to assess the capacity of these organic materials in removing the water's chloride.

It is currently accredited by IPAC with Technical Annex No. L0242-1 for the testing of migration of organic and cement-based materials according to the following European standards:

Standards used for organic and cement-based materials

Organic Materials
  • EN 12873-1:2003 e EN 12873-2:2005 | Migration of factory-made products and site-applied materials
  • EN 13052-1:2001, EN 14395-1:2004 e EN 1420-1:1999 | Organoleptic assessment of factory-made products and site-applied materials
  • EN 14718:2006 | Determination of the chlorine demand
Cement-based Materials
  • EN 14944-1:2006 | Organoleptic assessment of factory-made products
  • EN 14944-3:2007 | Migration of factory-made products
All analyses carried out on the migration of organic and cement-based materials are also accredited by IPAC (metals, pH, conductivity, organoleptic, and identification of organic compounds by means of gas chromatograph - mass spectrometry).

The analytical capacity of EPAL's laboratories is supported by the strict qualifications of analysts and resorting to automated equipment with a high capacity to deliver, hence enabling a rapid response within the scope of the commitment undertaken for the provision of analytical services to outside customers.

There is a procedure for the approval of materials in contact with water to be applied in EPAL's supply system. This procedure is available for consultation below:

If you require any more clarifications on this matter, please contact:
Laboratories Department 
Av. de Berlim, 15
1800-031 Lisbon

Telephone | +351 218 552 700
Contact | Engº Rui Neves Carneiro ([email protected]) or Vitor Cardoso ([email protected])

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