Conteudo Principal
essential guide services
Meter reading
Following signature of the supply contract, EPAL installs the meter. If a meter is already installed, it is necessary to read it.

The meter readings taken by EPAL or reported by the Customer are used to calculate the volumes of water consumed.

Readings by EPAL

Meters are read by EPAL every two months.


To enable meter readings to be made the customer must provide access to the meter. The scheduled date of the next meter reading is stated on the previous Water Bill.

If the meter has not been read by EPAL for more than 2 months, contact us through the EPAL siteCustomer Service Line  or "Chat" to arrange a free reading.

The date of the last reading made by EPAL is shown on the back of your Water Bill (Readings History).

Readings by the Customer

In between readings by EPAL, the customer may report the meter reading on the date stated on the Water Bill. This can be done via the EPAL site, myAQUA®waterbeep®, the Meter Readings Line or PayShop, stating the Customer number.

Identify your area on the map and find out which months meter readings are made by EPAL
For example, if your address is located in zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, the meter is read in January, March, May, July, September, November. To find out the exact date when EPAL is due to make the reading, see your Water Bill for the previous month.

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